Which Geyser Consumes Lowest Electricity?

Geyser with low energy consumption

Geysers aren’t just another appliance in our homes; they’re power-hungry beasts that can eat up electricity like there’s no tomorrow, especially if we’re not careful about the type we choose. But there so many different types of geysers and in each type there are so many companies with various models. So here’s the article you … Read more

5 Ways to Hide a Geyser in an Indian Bathroom

geyser hidden behind curtain

While geysers are super useful, they’re not always the prettiest thing to look at. Plus, in a well-designed bathroom, you might want everything to look just perfect. I’ve been around geysers a lot – from fixing them to helping people choose the right one. And one thing I’ve learned is a geyser sticking out like … Read more

9 Reasons Why Gas Geysers Are Dangerous

Gas leaking from a gas geyser

While gas geysers are common and can be safe when used right, it’s very important to be aware of the potential risks and take the right steps to keep your home safe! Here are 9 major reason why gas geysers are dangerous: 1. Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Carbon monoxide (CO) is a gas that you can’t … Read more

How Much Time Geysers Take to Heat Water?

Geyser Heating Water

I am sure you know how it feels to left shivering, waiting for hot water from your geyser, wondering whether your geyser is broken or it’s natural. So how much time geysers take to heat water? Different types of geysers take varying amounts of time to heat water. Electric geysers typically heat water in about … Read more

The RIGHT Way to Use an Instant Geyser

Instant Geyser Guide

It’s not just about getting that perfect hot shower. Using an instant geyser correctly is all about safety, saving money, and getting the most out of your appliance. Using your geyser right means less energy wasted, which is great for your wallet and the planet. And lastly, when you use it the right way, your … Read more